Wishing you a successful & fulfilling year, with the people & experiences that bring you the most joy! Including, of course, putting you & your health first in 2025!
The new year is such a great time to consider this...what wants to change?
At the Health Coach Institute, I learned that the #1 determinant of our quality of life is...OUR HABITS! And I see it play out in my own life and the lives of my clients, often!
Sometimes our old habits, that might have previously served a very useful and productive purpose (i.e. maybe keeping us safe), may no longer be serving us well.
One way or another, our habits build up for us or against us and so this is an INVITATION...to consider, what one thing, if it changed, would make a juicy difference in your health & life?
Action beats intention every time, so stepping forward in an imperfect way at an imperfect time, is the only way to start!
Now that we are part way into 2024…do you know…what will you do?
What is most important to you this year? What steps will you take in order to improve your health? How will you commit, so that you can have the health results that you most want?
These are important questions and sometimes difficult to answer. Creating a Mantra might be the way you find clarity and focus this New Year…in a way that you have never before!
So, take your time, there’s no rush! And know that here are some helpful hints below, in order to create YOUR VERY OWN MANTRA!
You & Your Health…First at SUTTON!
Open house the evening of February 8th!
So thankful for an amazing evening with clients, friends and family…celebrating INSPIRATION & COLLABORATION!
A Powerful Way to Improve Our Health & Our Life
Move-In Day for You & Your Health…First!
November 1, 2023
The Health & Wellness Expo was at Prairieland Park in Saskatoon!
And the Winners Are…
Sat: Kathryn M
Sun: Donna H
Sat: Mary Anne E
Sun: Janet H
Wendy F
Lindsay B
I will reach out to each of you this week to share the details…WOOHOO!!!
CONGRATULATIONS to the winners above! And THANK YOU to everyone who stopped by my booth to share their story and both their health dreams and health challenges…I so appreciate you!
Watch for an email soon from You & Your Health…First, with more information and opportunities for you to create health habits that last…not immediately, but definitely!
Fall In Love… With Yourself & Your Health
Fall is such a gorgeous time of year, I love it! It is an exciting time of year too and one of my favorite seasons! Lots of things are starting up and people are settling into new or old routines…and that can feel good. Routines are familiar, predictable, repeatable...so sometimes that is easy.
But sometimes, it can be sad that summer has ended…less family time, or maybe anxiety around not knowing how new experiences will feel.
I always have both with any change…excitement about what is coming and fear about what will result. I think some combination of these two is pretty common but what the hell does this have to do with our health and our habits?
Exactly. How do we actually do it? How do we move forward after we took the summer off from physical activity, we ate and drank things that we are not super excited about now and we are not feeling good in our body?
These are powerful things…the top 5 things in the secret sauce that I use in my coaching practice. We can move forward and take these steps together and create the change we want for our health:
Step Back - pause to consider what you most want and write it down! Be clear on this before proceeding with next steps.
Let Go - what do you need to let go of in order to create space for what you want. Sometimes our own clutter gets in the way but we can remove it.
Say Yes! to Yourself - Give yourself permission to to explore and do what you love.
Take empowered action - do something, even just one thing!
Set up support & accountability - ensure there is someone supporting you when things get hard and holding you accountable to keep showing up for yourself.
You have what you need in order to have what you want, not immediately, but definitely! And I would love to have a FREE one hour conversation with you so that you can start to make You & Your Health a priority…First this fall!
On Love Day...
Wishing you much love as you celebrate you and your loved ones today!
What a beautiful day to reach out and do something special for the people we love. But I am curious…how do we show ourselves that same love today?
Have you ever tried to look in the mirror and repeatedly tell yourself…I love you?
Here’s what I wonder…
What happens if you say it over and over again…do you actually believe it?
It’s one thing to TELL yourself, but how do you SHOW yourself?
What would it be like for us if we made our own self-love a priority? How guilty would we feel?
What happens if we love ourselves, does that mean we might love others less?
What if we love others so much, will our own self-love be less?
Does it have to be an either/or? Either we make other people a priority OR ourselves…maybe it can’t be both?
How do we show ourselves love each day? And does it have to be a big gesture?
Trusting my gut to make the right decision
Making fun and family a priority!
Doing something physical every day
Practising gratitude by recognizing the good work of others
Smiling in the morning
Setting boundaries and only taking on the things I love
Recognizing my value is not connected to what people think of or say to me
Eating things that fuel positive energy
Being honest with myself and saying what I need
Engaging in active listening and being truly present in experiences
How will you show yourself love on Valentine’s Day? Just know that whatever you do, it is better to be an B- in ACTION rather than an A+ in intention!
You have what you need to have what you want. ❤
2023 Mantra!
A most delicious addition to your breakfast routine!
Love is it!
Have you ever told yourself “I love you” and really meant it?
Sometimes, it is really frickin hard. Try standing in front of a mirror and repeating, “I love you”, over and over again. This can feel super awkward but it is a powerful way to check in with how you are feeling about yourself.
I spent a lot of my life dis-accomodating myself, not giving myself even small doses of what I REALLY needed in order to truly be my best. Not loving myself enough to acknowledge what I really needed to do for myself and having that be ok. And by dis-accomodating, I mean choosing to not make time and space for thinking about what I needed and then slowing down to create space so that it COULD happen…naturally inviting that self-love into my life.
That system worked quite well for a lot of years but when I reached a new decade a few years ago, I decided it couldn’t continue. There had to be more and I could definitely be better. I didn’t want to care what the moms at school thought, or who is doing what better than me on social media. The idea that I was not driving in the direction of my best me and what I LOVED, was causing excess worry, anxiety, and especially overwhelm. Just spending too much time consumed with what not in alignment with what was actually most important. That feeling of never being truly relaxed and at peace inside. I feel like a lot of us know how that feels.
So, I committed to then new, consistent and gentle ways of learning to really fully accommodate what I needed.
I invested in courses and certifications that were truly aligned with what I loved and thought I could figure out how it all fit later.
I engaged in volunteer activity that was truly in line with my passion and professional background.
I committed to making my eating and physical activity super high priority so that repeating the patterns became easy and just what I do.
What I found was that it didn’t take away anything from what anybody else needed. It didn’t have to be EITHER I have what I need OR THEY have what they need, it turns out it can be BOTH! And by THEY, I mean your spouse, kids, co-workers, family, community. What if I accommodated what I needed and then I could better accommodate or support what someone else needed too?
But how do you even know how to accommodate yourself if you don’t really know what you need or want? For me, it started by learning to REALLY TRUST AND LOVE MYSELF. While a long way from perfect at it, I am regularly practicing ways of connecting to things I truly love about myself and my life and I feel more engaged and proud of myself as a result. Maybe this is a way that you can also connect to the true love of yourself :
THINK about some things you are passionate about, things that really spark your shine or feel really good!
CREATE a list of the things above that you would like to do in the short (1 - 6 months), medium (6 months - 2 years), and longer-term (> 2 years).
CHOOSE just one. Pick that one thing that you cannot be without or do without, and call this your Passionate Obsession.
Then ask yourself, what 3 things can I do now, in order to make that one thing happen.
And the final question, what do I need to let go of in order to make room for this new thing?
I have found that passion - and new LOVE OF MYSELF in my coaching, volunteer commitments, and in my spare time - family fun, playing the piano, lunch with friends, golfing, reading, skiing, running, teaching a fitness class. I LOVE it all.
So, wishing you a day when you can begin to fall in love with yourself and what you do. Have a beautiful Valentine’s Day celebrating yourself and your love!
One of THE BEST gifts I ever gave myself!
Gratitude Challenge - Win a FREE Cleanse
Nourishment is about more than just food!
One powerful way we can nourish ourselves and others is by showing GRATITUDE.
This week, show gratitude to others by recognizing someone else for who they are or what they have done…and notice how it feels
It doesn’t have to be something they did for you, just something about them that you notice or are proud of them for doing.
Then make a comment here on what you observed and how you felt when you did it …AND you will be entered for a FREE Reset Your Health Cleanse!
With love and gratitude,
Nicholle Povhe
Tip: Print 7 pages, one for every day of the week. Before you go to sleep, set aside 5 to 7 minutes to complete the Daily Gratitude Journal. Let me know how it goes, either on social media or in the comments below, to be entered to WIN a FREE 21 Day Reset Cleanse!
Register for the Cleanse!
OR comment below for a CHANCE TO WIN!
Movement Challenge - Win a FREE Cleanse
Let’s get outside and let’s get moving!
Did you really DO Christmas? Did you eat lots of turkey & stuffing, do lots of ZOOM, drink a few eggnogs or maybe just take it easy and do a bunch of nothing? If you engaged in the level of activity that you would normally do and that is working for you, great job! But if you didn’t, maybe this is YOUR time to reactivate! Maybe you WANT something different for your health and your life, so it is time to DO something different!
Maybe at the fresh start of a new year, you are looking for a fresh start for your health – do you want to kick some old habits to the curb that are no longer serving you & your body well? If the answer is YES…
I invite you to take advantage of this gorgeous weather to increase your Vitamin FA (fresh air) and Vitamin M (movement)! Leave a comment each time you go outside and get active for 20 minutes in the next 7 days and you will be entered in a draw for a FREE RESET YOUR HEALTH CLEANSING EXPERIENCE! WOOHOO!
Let’s Go – you CAN do this!!!
Register for the Cleanse!
OR comment below for a CHANCE TO WIN!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
Older means wiser… right?
The Proven Power of Relaxation... ahhhhh
12 True or False Facts About Health Coaching You May Not Know
Have you ever thought about reaching out to a Health Coach? Do you maybe wonder what a Health Coach actually does? What good are they? How can they help you?
Health Coaches are specialists…in habit change! They are masters of how to transform your habits so that you can LET GO of old ones that are no longer serving you well and LET IN the ones that are aligned with what you most want for your health.
I am dedicated to helping people who are focused on their career & their family, but are feeling depleted and stuck in their health! With heart-centered programs, I will support & stretch you in making simple choices in order to reduce stress, increase your energy and lose weight… without depriving yourself or stepping into overwhelming action! We will work together to create health habits that last so you can shift from STRIVING for work - life balance to THRIVING in work - life - health ABUNDANCE!⠀
Why Cleanse? What good is it? What can it do?
In my cleanse, one way that we try to open up the body’s natural channels of elimination is by eating fresh, whole foods…those closest to their natural state. And then there are many other foods we avoid. We do not do this only to rid ourselves of these potentially harmful things but also to KICKSTART our journey to our health goals and see how good we can feel!
Are we JUDGING others…and ourselves?
The Government of Saskatchewan has done a tremendous job of providing guidelines for Re-Open Saskatchewan but sometimes not all the details are clear or agreed upon by everyone. This is where JUDGEMENT and COMMON SENSE are applicable! The same is true of our HEALTH, ESPECIALLY NOW… when we have made our career or our families (or both!) a priority, or we have been living in a pandemic, all of these things above can cause us to struggle in our health.
Here are 5 things you can do to help SHIFT AWAY FROM SELF-JUDGEMENT and start to focus on your health goals…