Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

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Wishing all of my friends, family and clients a beautiful Christmas full of love, family and peace…I am so grateful for you all!


While this is not the Christmas that most of us imagined, this year has been ABUNDANT WITH BLESSINGS in the not so usual ways.  Sometimes it was true this year, that when things seemed their worst, if we were open, some little slice of light shone through and gave us hope.  Maybe that light was a friend, a neighbour, healthcare worker or a family member lifting us up when we needed it most.


The same can be true of our health. 

Sometimes we might think that we look, feel or just are the worst…like it was just impossible to move the needle forward in our health this year.  But, when we truly WANT something different and we create a little space to get curious and imagine what’s possible, we begin to SEE something different and then we can DO and HAVE something different.  As your health coach, I want to be that slice of light for you while you reach for your health dreams! 


I am honored to be in service to you and hold you capable and accountable to have what you most want for your health!  My wish is that we all feel and show an attitude of gratitude this Christmas and that an abundance of blessings and the health you desire are yours in 2021. 


With love and gratitude,  

Nicholle Povhe
Certified Health & Transformation Habit Change Coach
You & Your Health…First

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Learn how the powers of movement, nourishment, relaxation, and gratitude work together in this 21 day self-care experiment.

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