
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Wishing all of my friends, family and clients a beautiful Christmas full of love, family and peace…I am so grateful for you all! - You & Your Health…First, Nicholle Povhe, Certified Health & Transformational Habit Change Coach

Older means wiser… right?

Older means wiser… right?

This month, I am celebrating my birthday…and I am actually excited! 2020 has pushed me to celebrate more and criticize less. What would happen if we focused on celebrating what we DID have, rather than what we DIDN’T?

The Proven Power of Relaxation... ahhhhh

The Proven Power of Relaxation... ahhhhh

Relaxation is defined to be “the state of being free from tension and anxiety”. It is a powerful word with so many positive connotations. How does it affect our body?

Why Cleanse? What good is it? What can it do? 

Why Cleanse? What good is it? What can it do? 

In my cleanse, one way that we try to open up the body’s natural channels of elimination is by eating fresh, whole foods…those closest to their natural state. And then there are many other foods we avoid. We do not do this only to rid ourselves of these potentially harmful things but also to KICKSTART our journey to our health goals and see how good we can feel!

Are we JUDGING others…and ourselves?

Are we JUDGING others…and ourselves?

The Government of Saskatchewan has done a tremendous job of providing guidelines for Re-Open Saskatchewan but sometimes not all the details are clear or agreed upon by everyone. This is where JUDGEMENT and COMMON SENSE are applicable! The same is true of our HEALTH, ESPECIALLY NOW… when we have made our career or our families (or both!) a priority, or we have been living in a pandemic, all of these things above can cause us to struggle in our health.

Here are 5 things you can do to help SHIFT AWAY FROM SELF-JUDGEMENT and start to focus on your health goals…