What wants to change?
Read below to see the biggest needle mover for our health and that we don’t have to have it all figured out to get started!!!
Wishing you a successful & fulfilling year, with the people & experiences that bring you the most joy! Including, of course, putting you & your health first in 2025!
The new year is such a great time to consider this...what wants to change?
At the Health Coach Institute, I learned that the #1 determinant of our quality of life is...OUR HABITS! And I see it play out in my own life and the lives of my clients, often!
Sometimes our old habits, that might have previously served a very useful and productive purpose (i.e. maybe keeping us safe), may no longer be serving us well.
One way or another, our habits build up for us or against us and so this is an INVITATION...to consider, what one thing, if it changed, would make a juicy difference in your health & life?
Action beats intention every time, so stepping forward in an imperfect way at an imperfect time, is the only way to start!