Is this JUST Clark at Christmas? Or does anyone else sometimes feel this way?
Is this a joyful time of year for you? Are you running around, buying Black Friday sale items, looking for Cyber Monday deals, buying more sugar, flour and butter than you do the other 11 months of the year combined in order to bake your buns off, then eating all of said baked items in an unreasonable period of time, maybe even before Christmas? Are you fitting every social event possible with every person you’ve ever known into the month of December, getting the perfect family picture taken and then shipping it off, while trying to think of the perfect gift for everyone? Or is this just me, lol? Ahhhh……
But seriously…what a magical time of year!
I love the beautiful lights and displays - downtown, at the mall, and in my own house each morning and evening.
I love my husband’s Christmas party with the amazing and talented staff - we drink drinks, play games, and laugh for hours.
I love watching my favorite holiday movies over and over again each year and feeling like it’s the first time, every time!
I love listening to children sing at this time of year, especially my own kids. This really melts my heart!
I love our family traditions of sharing beautiful meals and stories and staying in touch over the years with our extended family and neighbors.
I really love seeing people at their best and giving to those who don’t have what they do - with generous hearts and without judgement.
Of course, we also know that it can be a very sad and maybe even lonely time of year…
…for our friend who lost his mom and dad in the space of 12 days this year;
…for another friend making multiple trips out of province for a sick child waiting for surgery where none of it is covered by the system;
…for my mom, when we go to the candlelight celebration each year at the funeral home to honor my dad;
…for our neighbors whose daughter has suffered excruciatingly and endlessly due to nerve pain resulting from dental work;
…for my family who lost my mom’s eldest sister, Norma, this summer…a very special lady in our hearts and lives;
…for those struggling with their health and feeling so stuck, they don’t know where to turn and what could possibly help them at this point;
…for those who have lost their faith, their jobs, their marriage, or anyone they love.
It can, however, also be a very hopeful, reflective and peaceful time.
I am definitely hopeful and reflective during this time of year, but peaceful? Jeepers…how does this work with multiple jobs, a husband that works long hours, kids in many activities, pets, grandparents, friends, parties, the gym, groceries, laundry and all of those baked goodies just calling out to us everywhere we look?
I find that when I focus on what I do have and do accomplish, rather than what I don’t have or isn’t done, I see possibilities rather than limitations. I have a grateful heart, rather than an envious, anxious or resentful one.
Wayne Dyer said it most eloquently…
But how do we start to feel and appreciate that abundance…
…when we feel frustrated, anxious, sad or lonely? How do we get more of what we love and want in our life? The same is true for our health…how do we get more good health in our life, if that’s what we want? What does good health even mean?
We might be frustrated with our current health situation…our stress, energy level or weight, but we can choose to focus on something we have an abundance of right now…and that is our capability.
Our ability to choose is never diminished. We can choose to acknowledge that being stuck, getting started and moving forward is sometimes hard and sometimes sucks. And then we can choose…the right system, support and accountability to help celebrate what we are fully capable of doing. We can have abundance in our health, one small step at a time.
So, as 2019 comes to a close, try this out…whatever ignites your spark, do more of that, joyfully! This is my mantra for 2020. What is yours?
So whatever you celebrate this season…
a blessed Christmas honoring the birth of Jesus, a beautiful holiday, a wonderful family gathering, or just a break from routine to watch the Price is Right, Ellen and Dr. Phil each day, let that be an opportunity to focus on your own joyful abundance because I know this to be true…we grow more of what we celebrate!
Happy Holidays to you and all those you love!