You & Your Health...First

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Movement Challenge - Win a FREE Cleanse

Let’s get outside and let’s get moving! 


Did you really DO Christmas?  Did you eat lots of turkey & stuffing, do lots of ZOOM, drink a few eggnogs or maybe just take it easy and do a bunch of nothing?  If you engaged in the level of activity that you would normally do and that is working for you, great job!  But if you didn’t, maybe this is YOUR time to reactivate!  Maybe you WANT something different for your health and your life, so it is time to DO something different! 


Maybe at the fresh start of a new year, you are looking for a fresh start for your health – do you want to kick some old habits to the curb that are no longer serving you & your body well?  If the answer is YES… 


I invite you to take advantage of this gorgeous weather to increase your Vitamin FA (fresh air) and Vitamin M (movement)!  Leave a comment each time you go outside and get active for 20 minutes in the next 7 days and you will be entered in a draw for a FREE RESET YOUR HEALTH CLEANSING EXPERIENCE!  WOOHOO!  


Let’s Go – you CAN do this!!!

Register for the Cleanse!

See this form in the original post

OR comment below for a CHANCE TO WIN!